Monday 20 February 2012

Japan Habba 2012

I kept trying to fix the Fibonnaci vase

It was a hectic sunday. I had to pack all my Origami models into various boxes and get to Jnana Jyothi auditorium by 9am. We got there a few minutes late, and it took about an hour to get set up and put things out for display. There was a constant stream of visitors who came to appreciate the Origami. The organizers had said that the gallery area was to stay open only until noon, which did not make much sense, as the majority of bangaloreans do not stir out on a Sunday until after noon. In the end, we stayed right until the end, and it was almost 5 pm when we packed up and went home.

A panoramic view of our Origami display

The stack of 5 interlocking tetrahedrons attracted a lot of attention. Many people thought that it was a single piece!

The 'book origami' with the telephone directory was also noticed, and many visitors wanted to know how it was done.

Dhruva is the creator of the middle piece of this stack

 A few people asked me to fold something live, so I did the human figure (Gadi Vishne's Box Fighter), and also explained how to do the DNA Double Helix model to a couple of visitors.

There were a few visitors with video cameras, and some from the press. One of the TV channels wanted me to talk in Kannada, so I did my best to inject a few Kannada words into my sentences. I was pleasantly surprised to see my name in the The Hindu's report about Japan Habba today.

One constant request was from people wanting to buy some of the items. Unfortunately it is hard to sell a model which takes 3-4 hours for twenty or thirty rupees, which is where the buyer's purse limit seems to be! So for next year, I am going to make some small items for sale at Rs 20, as Mr Huseini does.

More Origami and Kirigami

One of S.F. Huseini's kirigami creations
Mr S. F.  Huseini, who is a regular exhibitor at the Japan Habba, was there with his intricate kirigami. Some of his creations are stunning, with detailed patterns and figures.

Rashmi and her husband were showcasing Golden Venture Origami, while Shivaram and his brother were doing mini-workshops to show visitors how to make simple models.

Kirigami Masks by V S Sastry (Habba 2011)
 Mr V. S. Sastry  brought his amazing Kirigami masks, but he had to go to another function elsewhere. He is more popular than ever after he received the Science Communicator award recently.

Weekly Classes at Jaaga

The Saturday class at Jaaga is almost full, with one or two people yet to confirm. I am now proposing a Wednesday 6:30pm class, which may be harder to fill! More than 40 visitors showed interest in attending Origami classes, and gave their email addresses, so I am hoping I can get at least 10 participants.

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